Accidents Involving Semis or Tractor Trailers

When driving on the public roads, we have the right to expect that other drivers will follow the basic safe-driving rules of the road.  If we can’t expect this, driving in the U.S. would be chaos.  When other drivers chose not to follow the safe-driving rules of the road, crashes occur and peoples’ lives are shattered.   The risk of severe injury or death is significantly increased when the accident involves a semi or tractor-trailer rig.   Although the drivers of these big rigs are supposed to be professional drivers, we all know that many of these drivers are not qualified to be behind the wheel of a 60,000+ pound truck.  How many times have you driven through the Virgin River gorge being scared to pass a semi because the semi is weaving in and out of its lane?  Just last weekend, on July 6th, the I-15 corridor between Utah and Arizona, was littered with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos when, according to news sources, a 2019 Freightliner “failed to observed that traffic was stopped in both lanes” and hit the rear of another tractor-trailer.  Thank goodness the 2019 Freightliner did not plow into the back of another car.  

Bad things happen to those we know and love when they are
involved in a crash involving a tractor trailer. These big rig crashes happen far
too frequently.  In 2017, there were “approximately
450,000 police-reported crashes involving large trucks, … there were 4,237 …
fatal crashes and 344,000 … injury crashes.” 
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration Crash Statistics
.  “Fatal
crashes involving large trucks often occur in rural areas and on Interstate
highways. Approximately 57 percent of all fatal crashes involving large trucks
occurred in rural areas, 27 percent occurred on Interstate highways, and 13
percent fell into both categories by occurring on rural Interstate highways.” 

We all need to work together to educate our loved ones about
the risks of driving.  Driving is
dangerous.  The roads only will become
safer as we focus more on our driving and less on distractions.