What Constitutes Distracted Driving? 4 FAQs from a Las Vegas Accident Attorney

The vast majority of auto accidents in the United States are entirely preventable. The main cause? Human error.

Teenage Girl Texting and Driving

Speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, making illegal turns – there are countless ways a reckless driver can cause a collision. One of the most common – and easily preventable – contributors to accidents is distracted driving.

As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, distracted driving takes many forms. Common examples include:

  • Eating and drinking;
  • Interacting with passengers;
  • Using your cell phone;
  • Using other electronic devices;
  • And gawking at distractions outside the vehicle such as crash scenes and billboards.

If you were injured by a distracted driver in Nevada, contact the Truman Law Firm P.C. Ronald W. Truman is an injury lawyer in Las Vegas who can protect your interests and help you fight for the maximum compensation.

Call 702-821-1821 to schedule a free initial consultation. Until then, read on to learn the answers to four distracted driving FAQs:

  1. What constitutes distracted driving?

Distracted driving happens when a motorist is impaired physically, mentally or visually in a way that impacts his or her driving. The most dangerous distractions occupy all three of these faculties. Texting, for example, requires the use of your hands and eyes, and it takes your mind off the task of driving.

  1. How many injuries does distracted driving cause?

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents in the United States. According to Distraction.gov, these crashes killed 3,179 people and injured 431,000 others in 2014 alone.

  1. Do hands-free devices make using a cell phone behind the wheel safer?

According to the National Safety Council, hands-free devices are not necessarily risk-free. Although they help motorists avoid the physical and visual elements of using a cell phone, the driver’s mind is still occupied by the conversation and is, therefore, not entirely focused on the task of driving.

  1. What should I do after an accident with a distracted driver?

If you were in an accident with a distracted driver, you should call the police immediately. If you were someone else was injured, tell the police to contact emergency medical services.

Exchange contact and insurance information with the driver, and record the contact details of eyewitnesses. Take photos of the scene that show traffic signs, the positions of vehicles, injuries and property damage.

You should also contact an injury lawyer to discuss your case. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and noneconomic damages related to the crash.

However, making a successful claim can be complicated if the at-fault driver denies liability or if the insurance company won’t step up to the plate and offer fair compensation. This is where an injury lawyer may be able to help.

If your accident happened in Las Vegas, contact the Truman Law Firm P.C. Ronald W. Truman is a Nevada accident attorney who will help you prove liability, negligence and damages.

Mr. Truman will fight for the highest possible settlement on your behalf. Call 702-821-1821 to schedule a free initial consultation.