What Are the 4 Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycles offer a thrill that no other vehicle can match, but that excitement comes with inherent risks. According to the Insurance Information Institute, more than 4,500 riders died and 92,000 suffered injuries in 2014.

What Are the 4 Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents? 3

The vast majority of these accidents could have been prevented if motorcyclists and drivers had behaved responsibly. One essential component of responsible riding is learning the most common causes of crashes and how to avoid them.

Unfortunately, no matter how diligent you are on the road, you cannot control the actions of other motorists. If you were hurt by a negligent driver in Utah, turn to the Truman Law Firm P.C. Ronald W. Truman will evaluate your case in a free initial consultation.

You may be entitled to compensation for lost income, medical bills, and non-economic damages. Call 435-986-2222 today to schedule an appointment.

Read on to learn about four common causes of motorcycle wrecks in Utah:

  1. Speeding

According to the III, nearly one-third of all riders who were involved in fatal accidents in 2014 were speeding. This rate is much higher than that of passenger-vehicle drivers (20 percent) and light truck drivers (17 percent). Riders should always adjust their speed to the road conditions, and when travelling in adverse weather, double their following distance to six seconds when riding on the highway.

  1. Drunk Driving

A shocking 29 percent of motorcyclists who were involved in fatal accidents in 2014 had a BAC of at least 0.08 percent. This marked an increase from 2013 (27 percent). Again, this rate is much higher than passenger-vehicle drivers (22 percent).

Riders between the ages 35 and 39 who died in accidents in 2014 made up 42 percent of alcohol-related motorcycle deaths. That year, riders who died in alcohol-related collisions at night were nearly three times more likely to have a blood-alcohol concentration of at least 0.08 percent.

The bottom line: Drunk driving is dangerous for all motorists, but statistically, it is deadlier for motorcycle riders than for drivers of other vehicles.

  1. Dangerous Weather or Road Conditions

While a passenger vehicle or light truck can navigate uneven pavement, gravel, broken concrete, and small potholes with ease, these conditions can be hazardous for motorcycle riders. Try to avoid unfamiliar roads, and if you must ride in a new area, be cautious and look for signs of poor road maintenance.

  1. People Opening the Doors of Parked Vehicles

Due to their small, two-wheeled structure, motorcycles are not always easy to see. If a driver or passenger opens a vehicle door, it could cause a fatal motorcycle accident.

As a rider, you can reduce your risk by keeping your distance from parked vehicles. If you must ride adjacent to parked cars, reduce your speed, turn on your headlight, and look for signs that a driver or passenger might be exiting a vehicle.

If you were hurt in a motorcycle crash that another driver caused, contact the Truman Law Firm P.C. As your accident attorney in Utah, Ronald W. Truman will help you pursue justice and the highest possible compensation. Call 435-986-2222 to schedule a free case evaluation.